
Picking Up Stitches

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When knitting, some projects benefit from the technique of picking up stitches to add pieces like pockets or collars. The technique is quite easy and leaves a clean seamless look.

picking up stitches


Knitting Project


Crochet Hook

picking up stitches

In the photo above, I have already picked up a few stitches.

picking up stitches

To add a row of stitches to the edge of a piece already knitted, a crochet hook is sent from the front to the back of the knitting just inside the edge stitch.

picking up stitches

picking up stitches

Send the crochet hook through the knitting and use the crochet hook to bring a look of yarn to the front side of the knitting.

picking up stitches

Place the loop onto a knitting needle.

picking up stitches

Continue picking up stitches at an even interval. Pick up all the stitches needed. With all the needed stitches on your needles you can begin knitting the piece you are adding.

-Carly | Antibromide